Check-In: 3:00 PM
Check-Out: 12:00 PM
Cancelation Policy
Guest must cancel at least 48 hours before check in date
Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 3:00 PM
Check-Out: 11:00 AM
No Charge - If canceled within 2 days of arrival
We kindly ask that you provide at least 48 hours notice of cancellation for any reservations. We reserve the right to charge 50 percent of the booking fee if cancellation isn't made in the 48 hour time frame. Please contact (906)696-6000 to cancel your reservation. We will send a confirmation e-mail. Our hotel is a smoke free property. Burning of incense, vaping, candles, tobacco, marijuana or other substances is strictly prohibited. Smoking or burning of any substance in any area will result in a fee of $250.00 We have pet friendly rooms where we allow dogs. Guests bringing their furry loved one must let the front desk staff know when making a reservation. We DO NOT allow pets on the 2nd floor. We also ask guests to sign our pet policy, under no circumstances should a pet be left unattended. There is a $20.00 a night fee per dog. Failure to comply or notify us will result in a $250.00 pet cleaning charge to your credit card.
For your convenience, we exclusively accept major credit cards at our properties.